Hi, I hope you are well! In November 2019 Solent University put on an event called ‘e-campaign in a day’. I didn’t know what to expect going into the day, other than knowing I had a busy day ahead of me.
The day started with an overview of the day, then us being split up into groups and set rooms to go into and begin the day. We were given two ideas which we could create a campaign for, my group chose to form a digital campaign about lowering the voting age to 16. We were all first years, and so were confused at the start of the day as to where to begin. We decided to keep it simple and create an Instagram account and plan a campaign which would relate to the 16-year olds who use social media.
At the end of the day we had to present our campaigns. In all honesty, we didn’t want to do this as we thought that as we hadn’t actually created any content our campaign may look significantly less developed than the other groups who had completed this event before. Looking back now, this was stupid. We were the only group composed of only first years so of course our campaign would be less developed. It tuned out that this wasn’t an issue, we were praised for our integrate campaign and specifically how it would target our publics so accurately.
In the future, I would love to complete this event again. It gave me a lot of confidence in my abilities and solidified that I could achieve well in my degree.

Thank you for reading my blog! Any questions you have please leave them in the comments and I will be sure to reply.