This page demonstrates the work that I have created throughout my University experience. This page features both assessed and voluntary work which showcase my academic and creative skills. The techniques and skills I have learnt through my studies have allowed me to develop my skills as a PR student and given me an idea of what I will produce in the future once I am working in the communications industry.
Communication in Organisation. Grade achieved: First
For this module we were given a brief by NATS and asked to create a communications toolkit for their graduate training days. We were divided into groups and each decided on a section to complete, I chose motivation. We had to create activities, tangible elements and use theory to accompany our choices. The toolkit also had to be cohesive and so teamwork was key. In this module I achieved a first. You can flick through my section of the presentation below, or to view the presentation as a whole you can view a PDF version here: NATS Communication Toolkit
For the second part of this module I had to individually create a CEO statement announcing a loss of jobs, and then use PR theory to analyse the statement. This was the first piece of academic writing I completed at University and achieved a first. You can read my analysis below, or alternatively view it in a PDF format by clicking this link: Communications In Organisation CEO Analysis
Digital PR: The Internet and Social Media. Grade achieved: First
For this module in second year we were given a brief by Dermalex and asked to create a digital PR campaign to promote a new product: Repair and Protect. Within my group, we chose to create a dynamic communications campaign which combined influencer promotions, hashtags and creative content to raise the profile of the brand in order to launch the new product. The submission for this brief required a live pitch followed by an integrated communications plan. This was a competition brief and as a result of my strong pitching skills I was awarded Best PR Student, as well as the group winning the contest. In this module I achieved a First.
Ethics, Issues and Crisis Management. Grade achieved: First
For this module in third year we were required to choose an organisation and an ethical issue faced by them and analyse the situation in relation to ethical and communications theory. Given the recent whilstle-blower from Facebook, Frances Haguen, I chose to analyse Instagram and the ethics behind filters. This module allowed me to explore theory in depth and realise my passion for ethics. By completing this module, I developed my critical thinking. I achieved a first in this module.